FAQ 27005

Is the Mobile Vertical Garden easy to assemble?


Yes, the Mobile Vertical Garden can be assembled in less than 20 minutes. No tools are required.

Is the Mobile Vertical Garden moveable?


The Mobile Vertical Garden comes with four wheels to allow it to be easily moved to a sunny or shady location depending on the needs of your plants. Each Mobile Vertical Garden has two locking wheels to hold it securely in place when located to the desired position.

Can the Mobile Vertical Garden be used indoors and outdoors?


Yes. NuVue’s Mobile Vertical Garden Is designed with materials that will not be damaged by outside elements. The Mobile Vertical Garden planter design has a built-in water filter system to allow for better plant health and they are sealed to prevent leaking if used indoors.

Can the Mobile Vertical Garden be used as a seed starter?


NuVue’sMobile Vertical Garden was designed for this exact use. By allow the Mobile Vertical Garden to be used indoors it’s the perfect setting to get an early start on your growing season. Simply plant your seeds, water and move to a sunny warm window for best results.